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Coppermine › Terragen › TG2

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CoppermineTerragen › TG2
small birch
small birch-457 views
Summertime-759 viewsEine Birke, mit Soft-shadows gerendert (diameter: 5, samples: 24).
Zum Vergleich: Ohne Soft-shadows.
Die Renderzeit hat sich mit 17 Stunden allerdings mehr als verdoppelt (Athlon 3400+, 2GB).
Die Birke ist von hier.
Klas TG2 Tree
WiP-560 viewsThis are two of the projects I am working on, a second birch tree for people who have bought the small birch, and some big pines. I am working also on modifications for the oak tree.
A big thanks to all who have donated.
Talus-826 viewsBei diesem Bild hab ich die Atmosphere und Global Illumination deaktiviert, dafür hab ich für die Tiefenwirkung einen Distance shader mit einem leichten Blauton eingebaut.
Um die Schatten aufzuhellen hab ich Fill Lights verwendet. Bei der Camera steht der horizontal fov auf 5, die Sonne hat Soft shadows mit einem diameter von 1.5 und 12 samples. Die Steine bestehen aus einer Mischung aus Fake Stones, Rock Objects und Displacements auf Voroni Basis.
Das Bild basiert auf einem Bild aus dem Fernsehen.
494 viewsA test for the upcoming set of 3 high pines for Terragen 2.1

M4, V4, Millenium Horse: DAZ 3D
Clothes M4: billy-t
Clothes V4: Pretty3D
MuscleCar: Bazze
Honda CB8750: gfx-3d-model.blogspot.com
713 viewsA test for the upcoming set of 3 birches for Terragen 2.1
M4, V4, Millenium Dog LE, Dystopia: DAZ 3D
Clothes M4: billy-t
Clothes V4: Pretty3D
Coming Home
digital, girl, victoria, daz, daz3d, klas, wallpaper, picture, terragen, tg2, millenium horse
Coming Home-500 viewsCredits for freebies:
Valens Hair by David Dyal
Shirt from Shadow Dancer for V4
digital, girl, victoria, daz, daz3d, klas, wallpaper, picture, terragen, tg2, millenium horse
Playing...-862 viewswith the Sapphire Fox Hair and the Dreamy Morphs. I added a bump map to the hair and my own transmap. Sword by Thosa
In the spotlight
digital, girl, victoria, daz, daz3d, klas, wallpaper, picture, terragen, tg2
In the spotlight-455 viewsSapphire Fox Hair with Dreamy Morphs
KookNfat's The J-Suit
For the spotlight I have added a simple cone object around a 5mm light source with soft shadows on. There are also some distant lightsources for the reflections on the eyes.
3d art, dragon, daz, daz3d, klas, wallpaper, picture, terragen, tg2
Hi!-439 viewsMillennium Dragon 1, displacements done with blender.
Just for fun
digital, girl, victoria, daz, daz3d, klas, wallpaper, picture, terragen, tg2
Just for fun-447 viewsVictoria 4.2,
Sapphire Fox Hair with Dreamy Morphs,
Chaos Seed,
Millennium Horse,
Morphing Python and Cold Blooded
Pine Tree
more fun
digital, girl, victoria, daz, daz3d, klas, wallpaper, picture, terragen, tg2
more fun-674 viewsTesting dynamic clothes on terragen terrain.
work in progress
work in progress-423 viewsOk, I am still working on it, but "work in progress" is the title of the image ;)
Allied Fleets Base
Allied Fleets Base, Klas, Terragen, Terralights
Allied Fleets Base-429 viewsPlayed with the Allied Fleets Base Components by skynet3020. The ship is also by skynet3020, free on Renderosity.
Allied Fleets Base, Klas, Terragen, Terralights
Red!-482 viewsAfter setting up the object with lights I had to move, scale and rotate it for this image. Too much work, so I wrote a script for this, you can find it here (login required).
Klas Terralights
Summer-1232 viewsenjoy.1 comments
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