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Monday, February 03, 2025 (18:43:34)
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Coppermine › Terragen › TG2

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CoppermineTerragen › TG2
some objects
some objects-690 views
small birch
small birch-457 views
Klas contest regenwald
Regenwald -1547 viewsSollte eigentlich für den Regenwaldcontest sein, leider findet der nicht mehr statt. Alle Objekte sind selbstgemacht.3 comments
Allied Fleets Base, Klas, Terragen, Terralights
Red!-482 viewsAfter setting up the object with lights I had to move, scale and rotate it for this image. Too much work, so I wrote a script for this, you can find it here (login required).
please clear the passage
please clear the passage-397 views
digital, girl, victoria, daz, daz3d, klas, wallpaper, picture, terragen, tg2, millenium horse
Playing...-862 viewswith the Sapphire Fox Hair and the Dreamy Morphs. I added a bump map to the hair and my own transmap. Sword by Thosa
Playing with objects 3
Terralights, Klas
Playing with objects 3-570 viewsHab ein $5 Geburtstagsgutschein von Content Paradise bekommen und mir davon den Skorpion geholt.
Playing with objects 2
Klas terralights
Playing with objects 2-598 viewsArmors by josephquick.
M4: forumarchive.daz3d.com...p?t=159793
V4: forumarchive.daz3d.com...p?t=160650
Playing with objects 1
Klas terralights alien
Playing with objects 1-472 viewsAlien Queen by Franz Munz, conversion for Poser by Sixus1: http://www.sixus1.com
Of Cracks, and Stones, and Sand
Of Cracks, and Stones, and Sand-606 views
Of Cracks, and Stones, and Sand
Of Cracks, and Stones, and Sand-705 views
Nur gespielt...
Nur gespielt... -1302 views..hab ich mal mit TG2, 512er .ter vom Grand Canyon und einige Shader draufgesetzt.1 comments
Nicht schön aber... 
TG2, Wettbewerb
Nicht schön aber... -1456 views1 comments
Mystical Moment
Mystical Moment -1202 viewsSollte eigentlich am Nebellandschaft Contest auf Terra Dreams teilnehmen, kam aber zu spät. Ein paar Infos zum Bild gibt es hier1 comments
Klas terragen Daz terralights
Mystery-672 viewsA test with 5 light sources.
more fun
digital, girl, victoria, daz, daz3d, klas, wallpaper, picture, terragen, tg2
more fun-674 viewsTesting dynamic clothes on terragen terrain.
58 pictures on 4 page(s) 1 2 3 4