
Wolkenwand-1271 x angesehenRendered with higher quality settings:
Athmosphere: 96 samples
Clouds: 320 samples
Detail: 1
GI 2/3
Supersample prepass
GI surface details
Render time 7:05:27

Playing...-862 x angesehenwith the Sapphire Fox Hair and the Dreamy Morphs. I added a bump map to the hair and my own transmap. Sword by Thosa

399 x angesehen

Of Cracks, and Stones, and Sand-705 x angesehen

Summer-1232 x angesehenenjoy.

j-suit-452 x angesehenlighting test

v5-451 x angesehenshadertest

What Dragons Like-560 x angesehenWhat dragons like - dynamic clothes ;)
Done for the OptiTex Dynamic Clothes Art contests.
Dynamics: M4 Dynamic T-Shirt, Cargo Pant M4, CatSuit, Queen of Ages, Dynamic Tablecloth.
Other: Village Courtyard - Stonemason, Picnic Basket - blondie9999, Patio Furniture - ARTCollaborations.
Thanks to 9MBi for the Fox.

work in progress-423 x angesehenOk, I am still working on it, but "work in progress" is the title of the image ;)

Yaxxon-580 x angesehen
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